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オメガの「シーマスター プラネットオーシャン ディープブラック ETNZ エディション」は、エミレーツ・チーム・ニュージーランドへの敬意を表した特別なモデルです。この時計は、深海探索に最適な機能を備えたダイバーズウォッチであり、洗練されたデザインと耐久性を兼ね備えています。エミレーツ・チーム・ニュージーランドのスピリットを象徴するカラーリングと高精度なムーブメントは、マリンスポーツ愛好者にぴったりのコレクションアイテムです。

PESA Treatment Centre Delhi

Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) represents a breakthrough for couples facing male infertility challenges. At KIC Delfinium, renowned as the PESA Treatment Centre Delhi, we offer this minimally invasive procedure as part of our comprehensive male fertility solutions. Our advanced laboratory facilities and experienced surgical team ensure optimal outcomes for patients seeking sperm retrieval options. The PESA procedure at the PESA Treatment Centre Delhi involves a delicate microsurgical technique to retrieve sperm directly from the epididymis. This approach is particularly beneficial for men with obstructive azoospermia or those who have undergone vasectomy. Our skilled andrologists use state-of-the-art equipment to perform this precise procedure, maximizing the chances of retrieving viable sperm for fertility treatment. Our center's success with PESA procedures stems from our meticulous approach and advanced laboratory capabilities. The retrieved sperm are carefully processed and can be used immediately for IVF/ICSI or cryopreserved for future use. We understand the emotional and physical aspects of male infertility and provide comprehensive support throughout the treatment journey. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes less than an hour, with minimal recovery time. Our team ensures thorough pre-procedure evaluation and provides detailed post-procedure care instructions to ensure optimal results.